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Our aim is to improve the mental wellbeing of workers in Australia
Founded by two former strategy consultants, we understand what it's like to work in the demanding modern corporate environment. It can be difficult.
How often do find your mind wandering while sitting at your desk? Or being so overwhelmed by the ten things you need to get done you don't know where to start? Or having trouble going to sleep because work is on your mind?
Practising mindfulness teaches you to be aware of your thoughts, especially when you start to dwell on thoughts about the past or future. Studies have shown that practising mindfulness measurably reduces stress, and improves sleep, focus and productivity¹.
Research has shown that improving the mental wellbeing of employees provides real productivity benefits to organisations with an estimated 230% return on investment for every dollar spent². Our aim at Mindfulness Solutions Australia is to deliver these benefits to Australian businesses.

1 "At Aetna, a C.E.O.’s Management by Mantra", The New York Times

2 "Creating a mentally healthy workplace", PWC

© 2023, Mindfulness Solutions Australia

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